Monday, February 17, 2020

PCB workshop 2020

Dear friends as lot of enquirers are coming and we have told them to register in online and call the coordinators after registering, so that they can guide you about the payment of registration fee. As there is a limited accommodation available only registered members will get accommodation facility based on first come first serve. The number of participants are also limited  hence if you / your faculty have already called us please register online  fast and send the registration fee after talking with the coordinators.  

 The interested students can fill their details in this form click (Registration closed)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

PCB Design Workshop 2020

Department of E&CE, SDMCET in association with “The institution of Engineers (India) Dharwad Local Centre is planning to organize a PCB Design workshop tentatively scheduled on 7 and 8th March 2020 at SDMCET Dharwad for the Engineering and Diploma students. The regulated power supply (RPS) kit will be provided to each batch consisting of two students. The students will get hands on experience of the PCB design, Etching process, drilling, soldering as well as testing. These types of workshops are organized regularly in SDMCET E&CE Dept. The selection process is based on first come first serve.  The Registration fee is Rupees 1100/- for each batch.  The registration fee do not include Meals, Accommodation. The interested students can fill their details in this form click (Registration closed)

The following components will be given to each registered batch.

Terminator block 2; White LEDs 2; Capacitor (3 different ranges); Diodes 4; ICs; ICs base, Transformer,  SPDT Switches; AC wire to main supply; Copper clad board;  Solder gun; Solder gun stand; Solder lead; Flux; DE soldering wire; Stripper (cutter); Hand driller; Driller bits (3 different Size) Resistor;  Potentiometer; Connecting wires 1mts; Screw driver…

After the workshop participants can take the regulated power supply with them.