The PCB Design Workshop was organized on 13th (online) and 14th (Hands-on/
offline) of May 2023. There were a total of 15 batches who participated in the
workshop. On 13th May 2023 the online session was conducted in which
complete workflow of the workshop was explained and also circuit explanation,
software implementation of the layout and dos and don’ts were covered.
On 14th May the workshop was inaugurated by
the chief guest Er. Anup Vernekar, Senior Develops Engineer, Business
Intelligence, Ablnbev, Bangalore India. The Inaguration function was graced by
the presence of Er. Vijay H. Totiger, Chairman, IE(I), Dharwad Local Centre, Dr
S. S. Kerur Secretary, IE(I) Dharwad Local Centre, Dr. S. V. Viraktamath,
resource person and a Faculty Coordinator, Dr. R. L. Chakrasali. The Team
Unnati members were the resource persons for each batches. Chief Guest in his
speech asked the students to have a habit of thinking out of box, doing
something out of box. He mentioned PCB is basic for all the E&CE and
E&E students. He also told the participants to take interest in learning
new things he mentioned his recent example also, how he learnt new tool in the
industry. Me mentioned always utilize the opportunity in life and learn. Always
spend little time daily to learn new things. He mentioned the advantages of
Practical knowledge and hands-on experience. He also told them not to go behind
the money; instead join the domain which you like, in which you can do
something and contribute something. Youngsters should have a clarity in their
goals, how to choose the field and they also spoke about the corporate word,
how interviewers test the smartness, skills and many others qualities in an
individual which makes him suitable to have a place in the company.
The students were distributed all the components and
tables were allotted to them. The first step scrubbing was explained to the
participants and then other steps ironing, cooling, etching, drilling,
soldering was explained and students did according to that. At the end of the
day all the participants got output for their implemented circuits. All the
participants and organizing members of team Unnati felt Happy.
In the evening there was a valedictory function. The
chief guest for the function was Sri Suresh Heblikar, Kannada filmmaker,
director, actor and a renowned environmentalist who founded the Eco-Watch NGO
in 1998. The valedictory function was graced by Er.Anup Vernekar, Er.Vijay H. Totiger,
Dr. S. V. Viraktamath and Alumni Mr.
Nikhil Rathi, Mr. Vaibhav Naidu. Chief guest in his address he explained how
much it is important for the youngster to know about the environment.
He mentioned that now a days how easy it is to access
the things in the mobile or computers, buy the things, how the technology have developed,
because of that now a day everyone are having E-Transaction, no individual has
to go to the showroom and pay physically, now everything is possible on our
fingerprints we can choose our desired product by surfing online and can we
even do the online Transaction. He emphasis that for this we spoil the nature.
He also spoke about the various E-learning platforms, which makes learning easy
and accessible for everyone. They also stated certain points regarding circular
economy, it was great to have them and got to know a lot from them. In the
function participants gave their feedback about the workshop.